African people's living conditions

The terrible living conditions of the African population are publicized all over the world through the media (magazines, newspapers, television, internet, radio, etc.). The low quality of life of these people comes from several factors, it is possible to point out as the main ones: the external debt and corruption.
The external debt consumes a large part of the revenue of nations, in addition, there is also the diversion of funds, resources that should be invested in basic social services (housing, health, education, among others); therefore, a large part of the African population does not enjoy welfare policies. Thus, the quality of public services is precarious, which results in the worst HDI in the world.
Africa is the continent with the highest vegetative growth rate in the world, around 1.9% per year, a fact that further aggravates existing social problems (epidemic of diseases, hunger, unemployment, and many others). If African population growth continues at this rate, by 2015 the continent's absolute population will be approximately 1 billion people.

Despite having high mortality rates in all age groups, birth rates are high, on average, 3.7% per year. Currently, almost half of the African population is under the age of 15 years.
Due to the lack of medical services, life expectancy is very low, usually an African does not live more than 49 years. Imbalance that directly affects the economically active population, as the number of workers is not enough to keep young people who have not yet entered the labor market.

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By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "African People's Living Conditions"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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