Saludos y Despedidas en Español

Greetings and farewells as part of our daily life. By the morning, we welcome the people with aGood days!. When we meet a friend or a friend, we deciHola! What about?, y'all contest Voy bien, thanks! Are you?.After a while, we said goodbye, and then sale un¡Hasta luego!the one Take care!. Of course, the way we greet or say goodbye is different in each situation and will depend on the degree of familiarity we have with the people with whom we interact. Furthermore, each person has distinct cultural values ​​and, therefore, the ways of greeting or saying goodbye differ from one to the other, and therefore, must be respected. Here, we will present some of the most common forms of greetings and farewells used by Hispanohablantes. / Greetings and farewells are part of our daily lives. In the morning, we greet people with aGood Morning!When we meet a friend or a friend, we sayHey! How are you?, and they answerI'm fine, thank you! Is that you?. A short time later, we say goodbye, and then aSee you later!

or oneTake care!. Of course, the way we greet or say goodbye is different in each situation and will depend on the degree of familiarity we have with the people we interact with. Furthermore, each person has different cultural values ​​and, as a result, the ways of greeting or saying goodbye differ from one to the other, therefore, they must be respected. Here, we'll introduce you to some of the most common forms of greetings and farewells used by Spanish speakers.

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Are we going to meet them? /Are we going to meet them?




Hey! / Hi!



Good days!

Good Morning!

Good afternoon!

Good evening!

Good nights!


¿Todo bien?

How are you?

What's up?


How are you?

How are you?



What's next?

What's new?

What do you tell me?

What do you tell me?

How is it?

How are you?

How do you take it?

How's it going?

How is it?

How have you been?

How are you?

What's up?

What are the bills?

What do you tell me?

¡Qué gusto de verlo!

Good to see you!



Bien, are you?

Good, and you?

Amazingly, ¿y usted?

Stunningly well, how about you?

Todo bien, ¿y usted?

Fine and you?

Muy bien, thanks!

Too good, thank you!

Great, much gracias.

Magnificent, thank you so much!

Such as?

How are you?

What about?

How are you?





¡Hasta luego!

See you later!

¡Hasta la vista!

See you later!

¡Hasta la next!

To the next!

Good nights!


Floor! / Bye!


Hasta morning!

See you tomorrow!

Take care!

Take care of yourself!

We see

We see

¡Hasta otra!

To the next!

¡Hasta ready!

See you later!

See you ready!

See you soon!

Likewise, thanks!

Thank you as well!

What are you?

have a good time

What's a good day?

Have a nice day

What a good afternoon

Have a good afternoon



Thank you!

Thank you very much!

What duermas bien

Sleep well

Take care!

Take care!



that you rest

Take a rest

It's been a placer

It was a pleasure

¡Hasta the moons!

Until Monday!

¡Pasalo bien!

Take care!

hellen oak
Spanish teacher

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

CARVALHO, Hellen Lopes de. "Saludos y Despedidas en Español"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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