Underdevelopment and social problems

The social problems caused by income inequality and unemployment have increased as the intense process of globalization of the economy and means of production in the world grows.
Social and economic inequalities are part of all countries, regardless of being rich or poor, although it is more effective in underdeveloped nations that suffer from the consequences arising from the period colonial. There are several causes that contribute to the condition of underdevelopment in which many countries find themselves. Among them, the main ones are:
- Disparity in income distribution, that is, a large portion of the population receives low income, which contributes to aggravating poverty. Generally, wealth remains in the hands of a minority, while the majority lives with serious social problems.
- Low level of education: this item is a result of differences in income, thus many children of school age they are forced to leave their studies to develop some kind of work, in order to contribute to the family income.

- Extremely precarious housing conditions: The way people live reflects the class to which the person belongs, the suburbs are deprived of basic public services (treated water, sewage, lighting, between others). From the second half of the 20th century onwards, urban centers had a substantial growth, however, the increase was not accompanied by infrastructure, forming marginalized neighborhoods. This process came from the rural exodus (migration of rural workers towards cities).
- Hunger and malnutrition: in many countries that are underdeveloped, the population faces partial or total lack of food, often a portion of the population does not have sufficient financial resources to guarantee access to the amount of daily calories that a person need.
- Health-related problems: in nations of extreme poverty, access to medical care is quite restricted. The precarious health situation in which millions of people around the world find themselves stems from the lack of balanced food, doctors, basic sanitation, treated water, among many others reasons. Poor health leads to a high rate of infant mortality and low life expectancy.

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Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "Underdevelopment and social problems"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/geografia/subdesenvolvimento-os-problemas-sociais.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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