Berlin. Berlin City Features

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Berlin is a city located in eastern Germany, this important urban center is the capital of the state (named Berlin) and the country.
The federal capital is also the most populous city in the country and within the European Union is surpassed only by the capital of England, London. Berlin is currently home to a population of approximately 3.3 million people. Another peculiarity of Berlin is that it occupies the position of city-state, which gives it the status of an independent city that has the status of a district.
Berlin does not assume a prominent role only at the regional level, on the contrary, it is one of the main centers for the dissemination of information, culture, politics, among others. Berlin is also home to representatives from almost every country in the world, as you can find people from approximately 180 different nations.
Berlin's history is ancient and dates back to the 13th century when it was first recorded as the capital of the Kingdom of Prussia. After World War II (1939-1945), Berlin was divided due to the rise of Germany East and West Germany, which respectively had East Berlin and Berlin as capitals Western.

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As there was a large flow of people from the east to the west, the communist leaders built what became one of the greatest symbols of human intolerance, the Berlin Wall, which was installed in 1961, this building had 150 kilometers of extension.
In 1989, when socialism was showing signs of weakening, the eastern side of Germany implemented several political measures that led to the milestone history of the fall of the Berlin Wall, definitively uniting the two Germanys, and automatically the city of Berlin, a fact that unfolded in 1990.
Culturally, Berlin offers a range of entertainment such as operas (three), theaters (150), games house, museums (170), which daily host around 1,500 cultural events.

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By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

Germany - countries

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SCHOOL, Team Brazil. "Berlin"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.
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