National Literacy Day

My kids will have computers, yes, but first they will have books. Without books, without reading, our children will be unable to write - including their own story.

The phrase you just read was said by Bill Gates, founder of the world's largest and best-known software company, the Microsoft. In times of great technological advances, unfortunately the pleasure of taking a few minutes to read of a book, whether physical or virtual, has been increasingly rare among readers of multiple tracks. age groups. Even Gates, computer magnate, recognizes the importance of the act of reading for the intellectual and moral formation of the individual.

In 1966, November 14 was chosen by the Federal Government as the National Literacy Day, a date that recalls the creation of the former Ministries of Education and Public Health. Fortunately, according to data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, the IBGE, illiteracy has been decreasing considerably in the last fifteen years, although much still needs to be done for this problem to be fully eradicated. According to the survey carried out by the Institute, 13 million Brazilians still cannot read or writing, a number that worries and indicates the urgent need for improvements in public education in the parents.

Reading is dreaming by someone else's hand. Reading poorly and roughly is to free ourselves from the hand that leads us. Shallowness in scholarship is the best way to read well and be profound.

Fernando Pessoa

At school we have access to reading techniques, we learn to decipher the code, which is the Portuguese language, but we do not always learn to understand what we read. This phenomenon was called functional illiteracy, that is, the individual, although mastering the technique, cannot understand texts from various textual genres, even the simplest and most accessed in everyday life, such as medicine inserts, instruction manuals and street or bus signs. Without reading comprehension, there is no satisfactory intellectual development, as this is a factor that limits the proper apprehension and assimilation of information.

The real illiterates are those who learned to read and don't read.

Mario Quintana

Although the social importance of reading is recognized by 80% of the Brazilian population, almost 50% of people declare that they do not read books, as they have serious comprehension difficulties. Data were collected by the survey Reading Portraits in Brazil, from Instituto Pró-Livro, confirming that the functional illiteracy needs to be treated more seriously. Changes must start at school, and the commitment of the entire school community to eradicate the problem is essential.

I always imagined that paradise was a kind of bookstore.

Jorge Luís Borges

It is not enough to be literate, it is necessary to literate the individual so that he can interpret the texts read, as well as develop his criticality and autonomy. For this, it is essential that the literacy process goes beyond the school environment, and for that the commitment of parents and teachers is essential. The date, although symbolic, reminds us of the importance of literacy and literacy for the intellectual formation of the individual, being also essential for the subject to be constantly discussed, aiming at efficient solutions that fight the illiteracy. Celebrate November 14—National Literacy Day—with a book! Good reading!

By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School -

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