In order to preserve natural and cultural heritage environments in Brazil, in 2000 the National Law No. 9,985 was created. According to this law, the Union, states and municipalities can create new Conservation Units. In Brazil, these units are defined as areas that have relevant natural characteristics and whose ecosystem needs protection and conservation.
At environmental conservation units they are spaces generally formed by continuous areas, institutionalized with the objective of preserving and conserving the flora, fauna, water resources, characteristics geological, cultural, natural beauty, recover degraded ecosystems, promote sustainable development, among other factors that contribute to preservation environmental.
The creation of these conservation units is of fundamental importance for the preservation of ecosystems, provided scientific research, management and environmental education in the search for environmental conservation environment.
Currently, Brazil has 728 conservation units, and there are different types of units, each receiving classification according to its characteristics and objectives to be reached. These units can be used for the sustainable exploration of natural resources, total preservation of the ecosystem, carrying out research, visits to promote environmental education, etc.
They are classified as: National Parks, Biological Reserves, Ecological Reserves, Ecological Stations, Environmental Protection Areas, Areas of Relevant Interest Ecological, National Forest, Extractive Reserve, Wildlife Refuge, Fauna Reserve, Sustainable Development Reserve and Private Heritage Reserve Natural.
National park – Areas that have natural characteristics intended for scientific research and environmental education;
Biological Reserve – Conservation unit destined to shelter fauna and flora species with important scientific significance;
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Ecological Reserve – Permanent conservation area, which aims to protect and maintain ecosystems;
Ecological Station – Spaces for conducting basic research applied to the protection of the natural environment and the development of environmental education;
Environmental Protection Areas – Conservation unit intended for sustainable development, and in some areas the development of economic activities, as long as there is the protection of the fauna, flora and quality of life of the local population;
Area of Relevant Ecological Interest – Area that shelters rare species of fauna and flora and that has great biodiversity;
National Forest – Conservation unit established to ensure the protection of natural resources, archeological sites, development of scientific research, leisure, tourism and environmental education;
Extractive reserve – Space used by local populations that carry out plant and/or mineral extraction. This conservation unit aims to carry out economic activity in a sustainable manner;
Wildlife Refuge – Area destined to the protection of natural environments for the reproduction of species of local flora and migratory fauna;
Fauna Reserve - Area destined to the study of the economic and sustainable management of native species;
Sustainable Development Reserve - It aims to preserve nature so that the quality of life of traditional populations is ensured;
Private Natural Heritage Reserve - Private area that aims to conserve biological diversity.
By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team
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FRANCISCO, Wagner de Cerqueira and. "Brazilian Conservation Units"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.