Definition of Junk Mail (What it is, Concept and Definition)

E-waste is any type of material produced from the disposal of electronic equipment, like electronics (computers, cell phones, tablets and etc) and home appliances (refrigerators, stoves, microwaves, etc.).

E-waste, known as e-waste or RAEE (acronym of Waste from Electrical and Electronic Devices), also covers the components that make up the electronics, such as batteries and batteries (energy accumulators) and other magnetized products.

The production of electronic waste is carried out in all sectors, whether in homes, industries or businesses. With the accelerated advance of new technologies and the active consumption of globalized capitalism, the need for updating and obtaining new electronic devices is immense and intense. In this context, electronics considered obsolete are increasingly present, being discarded and replaced by new devices. This change cycle can generate a great environmental impact if the equipment does not go through a proper disposal process.

Currently, around 40 million tons of electronic waste are produced annually around the world.

In English, the expression "junk mail" can be translated to e-waste.

The term junk mail should not be confused with spam - an electronic message received but not requested by the user., usually transmitted by email.

E-waste in Brazil

In Brazil, there are laws in some states that oblige manufacturers, importers and other companies that sell electronic devices to collect discarded equipment, taking them to suitable areas and away from danger to the environment environment.

Another alternative to eliminate the environmental impact caused by electronic waste is your recycling. There are some cooperatives in the country that reuse equipment components to make handcrafted pieces or even works of art.

Among all underdeveloped countries, Brazil is what more produces junk mail across the planet.

Recycling of e-waste

In order not to have an environmental impact, electronic waste must be disposed of in specific places and not be mixed with organic waste or normal recycling waste (metals, plastics and papers).

Many of these devices have chemical components (such as mercury, lead, beryllium, among others), which pollute and contaminate the soil or water, if they come into contact.

To avoid this contamination, some precautions are necessary:

  • Cell phones, batteries and other peripherals can (and should) be delivered to cell phone companies or manufacturers.
  • Donating used equipment to other people rather than throwing it away. In addition to not polluting the environment, it also helps another person in need.
  • Dispose of equipment only in proper places, such as cooperatives and companies specialized in recycling electronic materials.

See also the meanings of Garbage and organic waste and spam.

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