Meaning of Nora (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Nora is the name for the degree of kinship of the wife to her husband's father or mother.

Normally, this is a degree awarded after the marriage has taken place, in which the betrothed's parents also become the wife's father-in-law and mother-in-law.


“Marta was recently married. Now she is Ana's daughter-in-law, Fábio's mother".

“We are gathered today to celebrate the birthday of Selma, João's daughter-in-law, who is Felipe's father”.

"My daughter-in-law who is taking care of me while I'm hospitalized".

In this case, marriage legally configures the degree of kinship by affinity, a bond that does not end even with the couple's divorce. This degree of kinship is regulated in accordance with article 1.593 of the Brazilian Civil Code.

The bond's affinity arises from the family relationship resulting from the marriage or from the relationships between partners due to the stable union. It is then a bond created by legislation.

Art. 1.595. Each spouse or partner is allied with the other's relatives through the bond of affinity.

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§ 1O Kinship by affinity is limited to ascendants, descendants and siblings of the spouse or partner.

§ 2O In the straight line, affinity is not extinguished with the dissolution of marriage or stable union.

The male gender of this type of relatedness is called son in law, as a result of the man's relationship with his wife's parents.

However, the term also characterizes the type of device made to draw water from wells, cisterns, among others.

This device essentially consists of a wheel that moves a rope or metal chain to the to which buckets are attached, vases that are affixed to the wheel and which serve to remove water from these locations.

See also the meaning of son in law.
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