Greek-Turkish War. Characteristics of the Greek-Turkish War

Until 1914, the structure of the great empires of Europe, Asia Minor and the Middle East had a very marked configuration. O EmpireOttoman-Turkish it was one of the longest and most extensive at the time. In 1914, as is known, the First World War, which, being so catastrophic and so impactful, at its end in 1918, ended up changing the geography not only of Europe, but also of other regions of the world. Several processes of territorial dispute, political revolutions and the struggle for independence emerged during this period. THE WarGreek-Turkish it is an example.

During World War I, the Turkish-Ottoman Empire wore out a lot, falling apart from 1919 onwards. In the meantime, internal disputes arose among Muslims, who intended to found independent governments. One of the movements was the Turkish National Movement, who founded the RepublicgivesTurkey. The problem is that the British defeated the Turks during the war with the help of, among others allies, Greeks and the latter promised lands that had previously belonged to the Turks, such as Eastern Thrace and the Anatolia. However, these lands were claimed by the revolutionaries of the Turkish National Movement.

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Thus, the Turkish revolutionaries and the Greeks started a conflict whose main motivation was the domination over the territorial spoils left by the Turkish-Ottoman Empire. The campaigns of the Turkish revolutionaries progressively devastated the Greek military organization, but also ended up undermining allied armies, such as the Armenians and the French, who were also involved in the war.

At the end of the war, the Greeks, French, English and Armenians were forced to recognize independence of the newborn Republic of Turkey and its sovereignty over the regions of Eastern Thrace and the Anatolia. This recognition was sealed in the TreatedinLausanne, signed on June 24, 1923, which not only delimited the new borders of the Republic of Turkey, but also negotiated with the agreeing countries the dominion over other territories formerly belonging to the vast Empire Ottoman-Turkish.

By Me. Cláudio Fernandes

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FERNANDES, Claudio. "Greek-Turkish War"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

Greek-Turkish War. Characteristics of the Greek-Turkish War

Until 1914, the structure of the great empires of Europe, Asia Minor and the Middle East had a ve...

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