Quality of life indicates the level of basic and supplementary conditions of the human being. These conditions range from physical, mental, psychological and emotional well-being to relationships social, such as family and friends, as well as health, education and other parameters that affect life human.
There is a scientific method used to measure people's quality of life. For example, the World Health Organization (WHO) developed a questionnaire to check the level of quality of life of different social groups, from different countries and cultures.
See also: meaning of WHO.
This questionnaire is composed of six central domains: physical, psychological, level of independence, social relationships, environment and religious aspects.
O HDI - Human Development Index - it is a way of measuring the quality of life in countries, comparing the wealth, the quality of the process of literacy, education, average life expectancy, birth and mortality rate, among others factors.
Learn more about the meaning of HDI.
Quality of life was a concept created by economist J.K. Galbraith, in 1958, which conveys a different view of the priorities and effects of quantitative economic goals.
According to this concept, political-economic and social goals should not be viewed so much in terms of growth quantitative economic and material growth in the standard of living, but rather improvement in qualitative terms of the living conditions of the men.
However, this would only be possible through better development of social infrastructure, linked to suppression of disparities, both regional and social, to the defense and conservation of the environment, and etc.
To ensure a good quality of life, one must have healthy habits, take good care of the body, and eat balanced, healthy relationships, having time for leisure and various other habits that make the individual feel good.
These actions have good consequences for the individual, who starts to use humor to deal with stressful situations, and make them feel that they have control over their own life.
Quality of life is different from standard of living, and many people confuse the terms. Standard of living is a measure that quantifies the quality and quantity of goods and services that a particular person or group can have access to.
Quality of life at work
The concept of quality of life applied in the labor market (QVT is the acronym for Quality of Life at Work), means measuring the level of professional satisfaction compared to the function performed within a given company, that is, the way it is positioned and recognized within your employer.
There are several methods to provide an increase in the development of human relations within the scope of work, whether in the management area, in infrastructure, in health and so on.
Quality of life and health
Generally, health and quality of life are two very related themes, as health contributes to improve the quality of life of individuals and this is fundamental for an individual or community to have health.
Quality of life and food
Quality of life is also related to eating habits.
Having a healthy and balanced diet is very important for an individual's well-being. When the body receives the ideal amounts of the nutrients and vitamins it needs, your health is balanced and, consequently, your quality of life improves.
See also the meaning of mortality rate and the qualities of a person.