King Louis VI of France the Fat

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Paris-born King of France (1108-1137) of the Capetian dynasty, whose dedication to order and justice made him very popular with the middle classes and clergy. Son of Philip I of France and Bertha of Holland (1055-1094), he succeeded his father (1108) with whom he was quite attuned and he firmly established his authority within the royal domain, suppressing the violence of the outlaws and punishing the evildoers.
He continued his fatherly policy against the English presence in Normandy and was almost continuously at war with Henry I (1109-1113, 1116-1120, 1123-1135), often with defeats. He had strong support from the nobles (1124) to resist the invasion of Holy Emperor Henry V who had the support of Henry I.
As part of the plan to strengthen royal authority, he favored the church, putting ecclesiastical authorities such as Abbé Suger in government; but under his vigorous control of ecclesiastical affairs. To gain support from the cities, he began granting them royal deeds. He won support from Aquitaine, marrying his son and successor as Louis VII to the heiress of the duchy, Eleanor of Aquitaine.

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He married the first time (1104) to Lucienne de Rochefort, but that marriage was annulled. |He married again (1115) with Adélaide de Maurienne (1100-1154) with whom he had the children Philippe (1116-1131), Louis VII (1120-1180), Henri (1121-1175), Robert (1123-1188), Constance (1124-1176) and Pierre (1126-1180). He died Paris, was buried in the Basilique de Saint-Denis and succeeded to the throne by his son Louis VII.


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