Meaning of Good Friday (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Friday of passion or Good friday is a religious holiday celebrated by Christians, symbolizing the day of death of Jesus Christ, and is part of the festivities of Easter, which symbolizes the resurrection of the Messiah.

The Friday of Passion is considered a moving date, that is, it does not have a specific day to be celebrated annually. As a rule, it must be celebrated on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday.

According to tradition, to define the day on which Good Friday is celebrated, the first full moon Friday after the spring equinox (in the Northern Hemisphere) or autumn equinox (in the hemisphere South). In this case, the Friday of the Passion can take place between the 22nd of March and the 25th of April.

After setting the date of Good Friday, other celebrations are established, such as Easter Sunday, Ash Wednesday (first day of Lent) and Carnival.

Learn more about the meaning of Easter and of the Ash Wednesday.

According to Christianity, Good Friday is a reflection on Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. For Catholics, traditionally, Passion Friday is a day of rituals and penances, such as fasting or abstinence from worldly pleasures.

See more about the meaning of Christian Easter.

It is common to see reenactments, reenactments, tributes and other forms of artistic representations of how they would have been the last moments of the life of Jesus Christ, his judgment, crucifixion and resurrection of the "world of dead".

see the Definition of Holy Week.

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