The population of Goiás

Goiás is one of the federative units that make up the Midwest region. Its territorial extension is 340,103,467 square kilometers, corresponding to 4% of the national territory. According to the population count carried out in 2010 by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), its population totals 6,003,788 inhabitants, distributed in 246 municipalities, being the most populous state in the Midwest. Demographic growth is 1.8% per year and population density is 17.6 inhabitants per square kilometer.
The population of the state of Goiás intensified as a result of a series of public policies for the occupation and economic development of the western portion of the Brazilian territory, the so-called March to the West. There was an expansion of the agricultural frontier and greater investments in infrastructure in the state, in addition to the construction of the new capital, Goiânia, and the Federal capital, Brasília. These facts triggered large migratory flows to Goiás.
As a result of this policy to encourage the occupation of western Brazil, the population of Goiás had a significant increase, especially after 1950. In this, according to IBGE data, there were 1,010,880 inhabitants in the state, a population that reached, according to data from the same institute, 6,003,788 inhabitants in 2010.

In addition to the demographic growth of the population of Goiás, people from various parts of the country were largely responsible for such an occurrence. According to IBGE data, approximately 25% of the population of Goiás is composed of immigrants, coming from mainly from the states of Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Maranhão, Bahia, Piauí, as well as the District Federal.
The ethnic composition of the Goiás population is as follows:
Brown: 50.9%.
Whites: 43.6%.
Blacks: 5.3%
Indigenous: 0.2%.
Goiânia, the capital of Goiás, is the most populous city in the state, its territorial extension is approximately 733 square kilometers, and has 1,302,001 inhabitants. Other populous cities in the state are: Aparecida de Goiânia (455,657), Anápolis (334,613), Rio Verde (176,424), Luziânia (174,531), Águas Lindas de Goiás (159,378), Valparaíso de Goiás (132,982), Trindade (104,488), Formosa (100,085), Itumbiara (92.883).
The life expectancy of the population of Goiás is 72 years;
The infant mortality rate is 18.3 deaths per thousand live births.
The state's Human Development Index (HDI) is 0.800, occupying the 9th place in the national ranking and illiteracy affects 8.6% of the population.
With regard to the sewage network, it reaches less than half of the homes.

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By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

Goiás - Midwest region

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