Difference between flu and cold

Many people after the first sneeze and the onset of a runny nose say they have the flu. Is it really a question of the flu or are we dealing with a case of cold?Did you know that they are different illnesses and that, many times, if you think it's the flu, it's actually a cold?Below we will list the main differences between these two illnesses.
The flu

The flu is caused by a virus called Influenza, which has several serotypes and undergoes constant mutation. This virus, which causes symptoms approximately 24 hours after infection, is responsible for triggering in the patient high fever, muscle pain, sore throat, headache, tiredness, usually dry cough and runny nose. Also, you can leave the red and watery eyes and cause diarrhea and vomiting. The most striking symptom, without a doubt, is fever, which lasts an average of three days. After the fever stops, other symptoms may last for another three to four days.

Flu is a relatively serious illness that can even lead to death. Its main complication is the pneumonia

. The virus often causes serious epidemics and pandemics. As an example of the pandemic that we are experiencing recently, we can mention the one of flu A, also known as H1N1, which hit several countries in 2009.

A cold is a respiratory illness also caused by a virus, but not the same virus that causes the flu. It is one of the most common problems in winter, however, viruses circulate in the population throughout the year. In general, the viruses that cause the most cold are the rhinovirus, which have more than 100 serotypes.

The symptoms of a cold are similar to those of the flu, but milder and shorter in duration, about 2 to 4 days. The main difference between the cold and the flu, in terms of symptoms, is that, in flu, there is a high fever, which is not common in the cold. Fever in a cold, when it occurs, is usually low. The symptoms of this disease are related to the upper airways, and the patient usually has a runny nose and nose obstruction.
Is there a cold vaccine?

Unfortunately, there is no cold vaccination, only for the flu. The flu vaccine is offered annually so that it is possible to immunize against the viruses that are circulating during that period. Because it is mutated, the type of Influenza virus that is circulating in the environment in one year may not be the one that circulated in the previous year, which is why annual vaccination is required.
What can we do to prevent these diseases?

The flu, like the cold, can be transmitted through the air, being contracted when we come into contact with the virus that was eliminated by the patient at the time of coughing, sneezing or even during conversation or contact with objects contaminated. These illnesses can be prevented with simple measures. Are they:

  • Wash your hands well;

  • Clean your nose with a disposable handkerchief;

  • Cover your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing;

  • Do not share personal items;

  • Avoid agglomerations and prefer well-ventilated environments.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude-na-escola/diferenca-entre-gripe-resfriado.htm

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