Map of Brazil: states, capitals and regions

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O Brazil's map is the cartographic representation of the Brazilian territory and can portray Brazil based on physical, economic, demographic parameters, among others, enabling the analysis of the geographic space Brazilian.

A map two-dimensionally depicts a three-dimensional area. Through elements such as title, legend and orientation, it provides important information for the analysis to be carried out.

See too:Elements of a map

Political map of Brazil

The political map of Brazil is the graphical representation that indicates the territorial division of Brazil into federative units.
The political map of Brazil is the graphical representation that indicates the division of the Brazilian territory into federative units.

O political map of Brazil it is the cartographic representation that divides the country into states or federative units, capitals, cities and municipalities. The current political map features 26 states and the Federal District. This division was established through the Federal Constitution of 1988. With the new configuration, the states of Roraima and Amapá were elevated to the status of a state, and the northern portion of the state of Goiás was dismembered, creating the state of Tocantins.

Read too: City and Municipality: what is the difference?

States of Brazil and their capitals






White River


João Pessoa















Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro



large northern river


Holy Spirit


Rio Grande do Sul

Porto Alegre




Porto Velho


St. Louis


Good view

Mato Grosso


Santa Catarina


Mato Grosso do Sul

Large field

Sao Paulo

Sao Paulo

Minas Gerais

Belo Horizonte







Federal District

Brasilia (Government Headquarters)

Map of the regions of Brazil

IBGE divides the Brazilian territory into five regions.
IBGE divides the Brazilian territory into five regions.

O regional map of Brazil is a cartographic representation that presents the Brazilian territory divided into regions. The Brazilian regions constitute groupings of states or federative units with similar characteristics in order to facilitate the analysis and interpretation of data from these states and the region.

From this division, it is possible to establish management systems and public policies, analyze data and propose programs that meet certain situations. It is important to emphasize that the regions do not have a government or a legal representative. They are just the union of states with similar characteristics, which are governed and represented legally and individually.

1. North Region Map

The Northern region of Brazil is made up of seven states and is, territorially, the largest region in the country. (Source: IBGE)
The Northern Region of Brazil comprises seven states and is, territorially, the largest in the country. (Source: IBGE)

the map of North region do Brasil cartographically portrays the seven states that comprise it: Amazonas, Acre, Amapá, Tocantins, Pará, Roraima and Rondônia. This is the region with the largest territorial extension in Brazil, representing approximately 45.2% of the country, according to IBGE data.

2. Northeast Region Map

The Northeast region of Brazil comprises nine states. (Source: IBGE)
The Northeast Region of Brazil comprises nine states. (Source: IBGE)

the map of Northeast region do Brasil cartographically portrays the nine states that comprise it: Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Sergipe and Bahia. This is the region with the largest number of federative units. It is equivalent, according to IBGE, to 18% of the national territory, with an area of ​​approximately 1,554,291 km2.

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read more: Main hydrographic basins in Brazil

3. Map of the Midwest Region

The Midwest region of Brazil comprises three states and the Federal District. (Source: IBGE)
The Midwest Region of Brazil is made up of three states and the Federal District. (Source: IBGE)

The Region Map Midwest do Brasil cartographically portrays the three states that compose it (Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and Goiás) and the Federal District. Territorially, it is the second largest region in Brazil, only behind the North Region. It has an area of ​​approximately 1,606,403 km2.

4. Southeast Region Map

The Southeast region of Brazil comprises four states (Source: IBGE)
The Southeast Region of Brazil comprises four states (Source: IBGE)

the map of Southeast region do Brasil cartographically portrays the four states that comprise it: São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo. According to IBGE data, this region has an area of ​​approximately 924,620 km2 and is the country's development center, accounting for 55.2% of the GDP Brazilian.

5. South Region Map

The southern region is made up of three states and is the smallest region in the country. (Source: IBGE)
The Southern Region is made up of three states and is the smallest in the country. (Source: IBGE)

the map of South region do Brasil cartographically portrays the three states that compose it: Santa Catarina, Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul. This is the smallest region in the country in size, occupying only 6.8% of the Brazilian territory.

Map of Brazil - Climates

Cartographic representation of climates in Brazil according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics.
Cartographic representation of climates in Brazil according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics.

According to the classification proposed by IBGE, there are climates in Brazil:

  • Equatorial

  • Tropical Equatorial Zone

  • tropical northeast east

  • Tropical Central Brazil

  • seasoned

It is worth noting that there is not only the classification prepared by IBGE. There are other climate maps, which are based on weather patterns and physical characteristics different from those adopted by this institute.

Map of Brazil - Biomes

Brazil has six biomes according to IBGE. (Source: IBGE)
Brazil has six biomes according to IBGE. (Source: IBGE)

There are in Brazil, according to the IBGE classification, six biomes.

  • Amazon: covers mainly the North Region of the country.

  • thick: covers mainly the Midwest Region.

  • Caatinga: covers mainly the Northeast Region.

  • wetland: covers mainly the Midwest Region

  • Atlantic forest: covers the coast of the country.

  • pampa: covers the southern region of the country.

Location of Brazil

Brazil is located on the American continent, specifically on the South America subcontinent.
Brazil is located on the American continent, specifically on the South America subcontinent.

The world map indicates the location of Brazil: the country is located in the Southern Hemisphere and is part of the American continent, more precisely in the South America subcontinent. Brazil borders several countries, such as Venezuela, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Peru, Colombia, among others.

by Rafaela Sousa
Graduated in Geography

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