Caius Julius Higinus the Hygino

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Latin writer, astronomer and mythographer, perhaps born and dead in Rome, who wrote Poetic Astronomy, based on the Catasterisms of Erastothenes, and Fables, where he classified the most aberrant versions of the legends classics. However, his main literary merit was that he summarized the plots of some tragedies by Euripides and Sophocles.
At his time, notions and designations from Egyptian and Chaldean mythology were introduced in Greco-Latin astronomy. From the end of the Roman Republic, the stars were already designated by the very names of the gods and the the last centuries of paganism, the divinity of the stars asserted itself unchallenged, influenced by beliefs Orientals. The writings and sages of the time in astronomy and mythology were greatly confused. For example, he should not be confused with the freedman of Augustus, the learned librarian of the Library of Apollo, on the Palatine.

Order C - Biography - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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