Definition of Chromotherapy (What it is, Concept and Definition)

THE color therapy is a kind of treatment which consists in the use of colors to cure diseases and restore the physical and emotional balance of the patient. The word comes from the Greek "khroma" which means "color".

Historians claim that in Ancient Egypt color - through the sun's rays - was already used for the benefit of human beings. Later, in the 18th century, the German scientist Johann Wolfgang von Goethe conducted extensive research into colors, concluding that they have a certain effect. He concluded that red is stimulating, blue softens, yellow is joyful, and green is relaxing.

However, color therapy only reached the West in the 19th century. Nowadays, chromotherapy is related to the seven colors of the solar spectrum, and usually a support with a 25 watt lamp is used in the treatment, where it is placed 5 cm from the skin, acting for approximately 3 minutes.

This alternative therapy has many critics in the scientific community, who claim that in the case of color therapy, the placebo effect is a very important factor in the cure of some patients.

Chromotherapy is often linked with some esoteric practices such as Feng Shui, crystals and astrology. In many cases, the seven colors used in color therapy are directly linked to the chakras, which are considered energy fields that influence our emotions and bodies.

The meaning of some of the colors used in color therapy is:

Red: It is a powerful color and precautions should be taken when using it, as too much can cause nervousness and anxiety. It can awaken sexuality and eroticism. Area of ​​action: activates circulation and stimulates the nervous system. Red is linked to the basic chakra, which is located in the lower abdomen and commands the spine.

Orange: It is a cheerful and antidepressant color. Area of ​​expertise: rejuvenates and improves metabolism and digestive system. It can raise blood pressure. Corresponds to the umbilical chakra, which commands actions related to sex. It influences the decision-making process.

Yellow: It's an inspiring color so it can cause some distraction and loss of focus. This color influences the dynamism and expression capacity. Area of ​​expertise: eyes, ears, bones and internal tissues. It is linked to the Solar Plexus chakra which governs the stomach and corresponds to personal power and satisfaction.

Green: It is a color associated with nature, tranquility, balance and health. Area of ​​expertise: heart problems, headaches, insomnia, etc. It is a color referring to the heart chakra, which controls the heart and circulatory system.

Blue: It is a relaxing color that brings peace, serenity and promotes meditation. Area of ​​expertise: low blood pressure, analgesic function. It corresponds to the laryngeal chakra, which acts on the respiratory system and manages verbal expression.

Indigo: It is a color that symbolizes intuition and understanding. Area of ​​action: purifies the blood and has an anesthetic and coagulant effect. It is represented by the forehead chakra, located in the center of the forehead and which controls the nervous system.

Violet: It is a color related to stability and peace of conscience. Promotes concentration and raises self-esteem. Area of ​​action: soothes the body's nerves and muscles, and eliminates infections and inflammation. The corresponding chakra is the crown, located at the top of the head and related to concentration and spirituality.

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