The Bangladesh War took place in 1971, in South Asia, involving India and Pakistan. Pakistan was divided by 1,600 km of Indian territory, thus creating West Pakistan and East Pakistan, in addition, there were differences of race, ethnicity, religion and economy.
Due to differences, in 1971, the eastern part that sought its political independence, wanted to become the Democratic Republic of Bangladesh, because of the proximity of the territory. Indian, they feared that this revolt could generate refugees who would possibly penetrate their territory, so they took sides, at first providing weapons and training to the soldiers of the new republic, but on December 3rd an Indian base was attacked and the response was immediate, mounted a counterattack and won a quick victory in the East.
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From this fact, an armed confrontation was triggered, in which the air forces, the navy and the army were involved, despite the army is considered inferior to the Pakistani, the Indians defeated the enemy, this caused great material losses and human beings.
The surrender came on December 15, with the occupation of several Pakistani cities, this conflict served to consolidate the Indian armed forces that came out strengthened.
20th century - wars - Brazil School
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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "Bangladesh War"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.