See 3 examples of CBT justification and learn how to do it

The preparation of the justification is one of the starting points in the elaboration of the TCC. In it, the student has the opportunity to show the advisor the importance of the work and its relevance to the chosen area.

To better illustrate the subject, we have gathered below 3 examples of justifications that you can follow as a guide in the preparation of yours:

Example 01

"The reflection on the effectiveness of the criminal process in the pursuit of the crime of reducing the condition analogous to slavery, provided for in article 149 of the Brazilian Penal Code, is urgent and extreme importance.

Even today, in 2018, hundreds of people live in conditions of slavery in Brazil. This reality stems from several factors: extremely high concentration of income, precarious education, geographic difficulties and inefficiency of procedural tools to fight crime. These difficulties result in unacceptable statistics of impunity.

In order to attract attention to the topic, the work will point out the flaws and inconsistencies of the current procedural model to deal with contemporary slavery, while suggesting legal changes applicable in a realist."

In the molds of the example 01, the issue of work can be contextualized in the national scenario as a whole. Note that the justification above showed, in order: presentation of the topic, relevance and urgency of the subject and, finally, the content that will be covered in the work.

Example 02

"Urban visualities can be studied in various areas of knowledge, such as architecture, sociology, anthropology, design, arts and, being a complex topic, it can be analyzed under several aspects: socioeconomic, typologies, graphics, buildings, etc. As this is a study of contemporary aesthetics, the theme needs to receive greater attention and be properly explored.

São Paulo has numerous samples of urban visualities that demonstrate the point of view of its residents in relation to it. They start from a need to adapt to the place where one lives, self-assertion, involvement with the local setting and claim, feelings shared by local residents as a whole. For this reason, it is important to study the presence of urban interventions in order to understand how they depart from the margins of society to the metropolis.

In this context, the work will show how the study of the theme can be applied in the fashion area in order to create a product that translate local urban elements, valuing the culture of the region and creating a sense of identification between the consumer and the product."

O example 02 justified the relevance of the work at the local level (in this case, São Paulo). Note that the justification structure is not the same as in example 01. In this one, the author preferred to contextualize the subject over two paragraphs and, only in the last paragraph, present the theme.

Example 03

"Observing the existing gap in the academic exploration of surface design, as well as the limited exploration of rock art in the area of ​​design creation, the feasibility of prepare a research project with emphasis on the dissemination of knowledge about rock art and its potential for inspiration to various areas of design, in this specifically, the design of surface.

In addition to these gaps that generated the project opportunity, there is the personal motivation of the author, descendant of the Quilombola communities of Monte Alegre and undeniable admirer of all the rich cultural material rooted in history paraense.

The project focuses, therefore, on representing the aesthetics of the Monte Alegrenses rock graphics analyzed during the research and applying it to a collection of continuous prints, aimed at disseminating both the rock art theme and the concepts established so far about design of surface.

As an additional incentive that ratifies the importance of the project, it was observed that this is a pioneer in addressing characteristics of cave drawings applied to the surface design at the University of the State of Pará, which can encourage other students to explore the topic further, as well as others linked to culture Pará."

O example 03 demonstrates a case that is often unknown to students. The relevance of the work it can be of a personal or institutional aspect.. It is clear, however, that the work must still be contextualized within the course and contribute to the theme, but, according to the example above, nothing prevents the justification of the work from being of a personal nature.

How to make a CBT justification

Considering that there is no ABNT standard that establishes rules on justification, the student can use the structure that he/she wishes. However, it is important to pay attention to these essential elements that any advisor expects to see in a justification:

  • point out the positive aspects of the work
  • praise the work's contribution to the theme
  • briefly mention (without in-depth) the best arguments of the work
  • eventually, expose the negative consequences that the lack of reflection on the subject can cause
  • clarify all these points directly and cohesively

See too:

  • Examples of Formatting by ABNT Rules and Norms for academic works
  • ABNT standards for academic work
  • How to make the methodology for the TCC
  • The Types of Search
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