Title it is a title or phrase that serves as a theme or subject introduction. The term originates from the Greek "epigraph" which means "subscription", "title".
In a literary work, an epigraph is a short quote placed on a page at the beginning of the work or highlighted at the opening of a chapter. It works as a summary of what will be read next.
An epigraph was intended to recall events and people, or pay homage to gods, mythical figures or highly relevant historical characters. The Roman tradition indicated that the epigraph was done only in capital letters and with some abbreviations.
It is impossible to find epigraphs on buildings and monuments. Some examples of epigraphs are quotes from the Bible, verses of poetry, proverbs or thoughts of great authors.
In Classical Greece, epigraphs were engraved on monuments, stones, medals or statues, as a reference to the historical moment or person being honored.
An epigraph is often engraved in tombs, and in this case the epigraph is usually a tribute from the family to the person who died.
An epigraph can be inscribed on various materials, such as stone, metal, marble, glass, ivory, etc.
Epigraph and Monographs
In Monographs and TCC (Course Completion Work), the epigraph is an optional element, but it can enrich the work when placed. The choice of epigraph at the beginning of each chapter should be related to the subject of the chapter to be developed. For example, if someone is writing a paper on education or reading, they should choose an epigraph related to these themes, cite the appropriate author, and then develop the chapter referring to one of these themes.
Title and Law
Epigraph is a space used in proceedings in the area of Law, where the magistrate indicates the case number, the type of associated law and the year of submission. The information must be centered at the top of the sheet.
Title and ABNT
The Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) is the body responsible for technical standardization in the country, providing a basis for technological development in Brazil. This entity is responsible for the specific standards for the formatting of academic papers, articles printed scientific papers, citations, references to information and documentation, and standards for the presentation of the summary and abstract.
According to ABNT, the epigraph is an "optional element, where the author presents a quote, followed by an indication of authorship, related to the matter dealt with in the body of the work". Considering that the epigraph is a quote that inspires the work or chapter, it is a kind of introduction to the text (appearing at the beginning of the chapter) and a transition point between pre-text elements and textual.
The title "epigraph" should not be placed at the top of the page, and the quote usually goes at the end of the page, in italics and in quotation marks, with font size 12. Alignment must be justified, with indentation of 7.5 cm to the left, and 1.5 space between lines. The author of the citation must be right-aligned in parentheses.