Meaning of Template (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Feedback is the model of correct answers related to the questions of a given test, usually of the multiple choice style.

The feedback of a test consists of the result of the correct answers of the test. As a rule, people write down the answers they scored on the test so that they can later make a comparison with the feedback, checking the amount of correct answers they had.

In most selection processes (such as public tenders, for example), the feedback is disclosed in two stages: preliminary and official feedback.

O preliminary template is publicly announced a few days after the completion of the tests, presenting all the supposedly correct answers.

After this disclosure, there is a period for people to file appeals against the feedback, alleging errors and other problems related to the construction of the issue.

After all the resources are analyzed, the institute conducting the test releases the final template or official feedback, considering all the changes that may arise because of the features, if any.

All information regarding the deadlines for the delivery of resources and disclosure of templates must be previously contained in the notice of the selection process.

Learn more about the meaning of Notice.

In the Portuguese language dictionary, the figurative meaning of the word "feedback" is also related to the category or hierarchical class of something or someone.

Example: "The boy has a high professional status” or “The girl has excellent intellectual feedback.”.

Etymologically, this term originated from the French template, which means "model" in Portuguese.

And either

One of the most awaited templates among Brazilian students is the National Secondary Education Examination (Enem), which is released officially by the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), which is linked to the Ministry of Education (MEC).

Also learn more details about the meaning of And either.

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