Eclipse is a word within the scope of astronomy which means the temporary disappearance of a star, caused by the positioning of a celestial body between the star and the observer or between the star and the Sun.
The word eclipse comes from the Greek ekleipsis, which indicated the act of leaving or not appearing somewhere. This phenomenon can be total or partial, depending on factors such as the location of the observer. The eclipse happens when one celestial body is in the shadow of another.
The best known eclipses are the eclipses of the Sun and Moon. Despite this, it is also possible to observe eclipses of satellites from other planets, such as Jupiter and Saturn, for example.
In a figurative sense, the word eclipse can indicate the temporary disappearance, absence or obscuration of something. Ex: Your career had an eclipse for 2 years.
solar eclipse
An eclipse of the Sun occurs when the Moon, in its translation movement, passes in front of the Sun, totally or partially hiding it.
When the moon is closer to Earth, the shadow cone can create a shadow on the Earth's surface approximately 250 km in diameter. Within this area it is possible to see a total solar eclipse. If the Moon is farther away from Earth, the shadow cone does not reach Earth, and there is a partial solar eclipse.
The total eclipse has a maximum duration of 7 minutes and 30 seconds, while the partial one lasts a maximum of 12 minutes and 30 seconds.
Learn more about Sun.
lunar eclipse
The Earth, being an opaque body (does not allow the passage of light), creates a shadow cone when illuminated by the Sun. Thus, the lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon is in this shadow space.
Unlike a solar eclipse, a lunar eclipse can be seen wherever the Moon is above the horizon (when it is night at the eclipse location).
The maximum duration of a lunar eclipse is 3 hours and 48 minutes, and the duration of the total phase the maximum duration is 1 hour and 42 minutes.
This phenomenon is important and is studied in the field of Geophysics.
See also the meaning of Penumbra.