Nicolaus Copernicus: biography and heliocentric theory.

Nicolaus Copernicus: biography and heliocentric theory.

Nicolaus Copernicus, one of the fathers of modern astronomy, was born in Tourum, Poland, on Febru...

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Vladimir Putin: biography, trivia and phrases

Vladimir Putin: biography, trivia and phrases

Vladimir Putin (1952 - ) is a Russian lawyer and politician and has been president of Russia sinc...

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Edgar Allan Poe: biography, works and phrases

Edgar Allan Poe: biography, works and phrases

Edgar Allan Poe was an American romantic writer and poet. His romanticism was related to dark the...

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Meaning of the 10 Commandments of God (What they are, Concept and Definition)

In the Bible, there are the Ten Commandments or Decalogue, which consist of 10 rules that were gi...

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Meaning of Jericho (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

Jericho is an ancient biblical city, located in Palestine, on the banks of the Jordan River. The ...

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Meaning of Allahu Akbar (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

Allahu Akbar is a Arabic expression meaning "Allah is Great" or "Allah is the Greatest", in the P...

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Anísio Teixeira: biography and main ideas

Anísio Teixeira: biography and main ideas

Anísio Teixeira he was a Brazilian educator and writer.He is known for being the creator of publi...

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Nikola Tesla: biography and main inventions

Nikola Tesla: biography and main inventions

Nikola Tesla was an Austro-Hungarian scientist, mechanical engineer and inventor.His inventions c...

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Granite Types, Characteristics and Composition

Granite is a rock formed by a set of minerals.Its composition is basically as follows:Quartz, a c...

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Meaning of Buddha (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

Meaning of Buddha (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

Buddha means enlightened in Sanskrit, ancient sacred language of India. Buddha is a title given t...

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Paulo Freire: biography, method, works and quotes

Paulo Freire: biography, method, works and quotes

Paulo Freire (1921-1997) was one of the greatest educators in the world, known as the Patron of B...

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Life and Work of Manoel de Barros

Life and Work of Manoel de Barros

Manoel de Barros was a Brazilian modernist writer belonging to the third modernist generation, ca...

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