Meaning of Allahu Akbar (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

Allahu Akbar is a Arabic expression meaning "Allah is Great" or "Allah is the Greatest", in the Portuguese translation.

Known in Arabic as Takbir or takbeer, the expression Allahu Akbar is a reverence to God, widely used among Muslims.

According to Islamic tradition, every Muslim should begin his daily prayers with the expression Allahu Akbar, symbolizing his disconnection from the material world and starting your state of spiritual meditation, as if you were asking permission to be the presence in Allah (God).

In fact, Allahu Akbar can be used on many occasions, from formal prayers to expressions of joy and joy.

For example, Muslims often commemorate something that was long awaited using this expression, as if the greatness of God was responsible for the grace achieved.

Many people erroneously associate the expression Allahu Akbar with terrorist activities. Due to the fact that many religious fanatics who participate in terrorist attacks also use this expression, Allahu Akbar has gained a pejorative connotation among some groups of ill-informed Westerners.

However, Allahu Akbar has no direct connection with the practice of terrorist acts, it is just a common expression among the Arabs and that was appropriated by these groups that spread terror among their enemies.

See also the meaning of the Islamic state.

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