William Crookes: The Spirit of Science

When science and religion go together is a subject for scientist William Crookes, early in his career he became more interested in science. He had the opportunity to build his own research laboratory and founded a journal that is highly respected in the scientific world: the journal “Chemical News”.
Crookes made important discoveries, one of which started when he was studying the spectrum of minerals (natural radiation frequency) and detected a green line that had never been noticed. He had just discovered the existence of a new chemical element, and named it Thallium.
This scientist had the gift not only to discover, but to invent, he created the Radiometer: a device that measures the intensity of radiations of chemical elements, with this invention it is possible to better analyze the physical and chemical properties of the different substances.
Crookes' studies were rigorous and precise, so much so that he was able to determine the atomic weight of the elements, His researches extended to cathode rays, which are accelerated electron beams emitted in tubes. vacuum. This beam produces a luminosity that became the basis of the functioning of the first monitors and television screens.

William Crookes was best known for connecting science with the spirit world. As their physical and chemical researches advanced, spiritualism followed along with them. Crookes was one of the most persistent and courageous researchers of supernormal phenomena, he studied what happens to mediums, the materialization of spirits and levitation. He believed that these movements were the result of an as-yet-unknown force.

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By Líria Alves
Graduated in Chemistry
Brazil School Team

Chemistry Curiosities - Chemistry - Brazil School

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SOUZA, Líria Alves de. "William Crookes: The Spirit of Science"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/quimica/william-crookes-espirito-ciencia.htm. Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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