Meaning of Temperance (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Temperance means having moderation, balance and parsimony in your attitudes. From the Latin “temperantia” “keep the balance”.

Temperance is a feminine noun that names the quality or virtue of those who act sparingly, with prudence, without the practice of exaggeration.

To have temperance is to have control over your passions, it is to have sobriety in your attitudes and decisions, it is to avoid excesses in your appetites, your desires and desires.

Temperance in the Bible

Temperance is one of the four cardinal virtues of the Catholic Church: temperance, prudence, Fortitude and Justice. Cardinal virtues means central, fundamental virtues that guide the lives of Christians.

Temperance is self-control, renunciation and moderation. Temperance tames instincts, sublimates passions, moderates impulses and appetites. Acting with temperance is opening the way to sobriety and detachment. Temperance leads the way to the fulfillment of duties and maturity.

Temperance in tarology

In tarology, temperance is an arcane of the tarot represented by an angel who passes water in a vase, which means moderation in life. It is also represented by the sign of Aquarius in the zodiac. When the temperance card is removed, depending on the context, it indicates the individual's need to lead a more balanced life in relation to reason and emotion.

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