Just as Muslims have their pilgrimage to Mecca, Christians also have their pilgrimage to Santiago. They follow a route to reach the tomb of the apostle Saint James the Great in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
After being beheaded, the apostle's remains were miraculously found and taken to Compostela, where a cathedral was built in his honor.
In its most traditional route, the Camino de Santiago starts in southwest France, near the border with Spain, in a small town called Saint Jean-Pied-de-Port, and ends up in Galicia, in northwestern Spain, where the Cathedral of Santiago is located.
Considered the third largest Christian pilgrimage route in the world, the Camino de Santiago leaves intense marks on those who complete it. One of the reasons is the distance covered, 600 km of walking, with very isolated stretches.
Curiosities - Brazil School
Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/curiosidades/caminho-de-santiago.htm