The world is going through a terrible environmental crisis, as today's societies are feeling the problems caused over hundreds of years.
Man started the process of environmental devastation mainly in the 20th century, although it started during the First Industrial Revolution.
Over the course of approximately 100 years, man has used nature and its resources in a disorderly and unconscious way regarding their preservation.
The world is currently extremely polluted and degraded. Pollution occurs in various ways, such as air, atmosphere, water, soil, among others, in addition to degradation involving vegetation, mineral extraction and agricultural occupation.
Global warming, greenhouse effect, melting glaciers, storms, climate change are some of the direct results of the model of society we have chosen, linked to consumption and automatically to capitalism.
From the items presented about the problems experienced recently, a large part of the scientific class linked to the issues Environmental environmental studies frequently carry out numerous studies in this regard, and the results regarding the prospects for the future are always pessimists. The current century will likely face serious problems arising from environmental issues, such as lack of water, rising food prices, rising global temperature, rising ocean levels, among many others.
Given all this situation, there are several theories that guarantee to solve environmental problems, some radical, others more flexible and coherent.
The world currently has a population of approximately 6.7 billion people, so that the world does not collapse is I need to find sustainable forms of development, in addition to integrating social and environmental issues into this process.
One of the first procedures to be put into practice is greater birth control, especially in developing countries such as China, which has about 1.3 billion people. Birth control simultaneously allows for an environmental and social improvement, as it avoids the increase in resource extraction, in addition to reducing the supply of labor, which favors wage growth, as companies would have to fight to get workers, it would facilitate the implementation of quality public services, among many others benefits.
Another factor that can be extremely efficient in the conservation process is inserted in the context of education. This way occurs in the construction of teaching linked to quality, not quantity. Training environmentally conscious people from specific environmental education classes enables the production of positive medium to long results In the long term, the positive side of this item is that change occurs at the base of society (young people), giving rise to people concerned with problems related to the environment.
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To contribute to the above items, it is important to implement measures common to all countries in the world, with the purpose of having an effect on the same scale, in this case the effective participation of nations would be necessary. developed.
Sustainable development practiced in a planned manner produces significant results, combining economic and environmental growth is the main focus of this process. In addition, the creation of new materials with a longer useful life to reduce product turnover is necessary, an attitude that is linked to consumption.
In the case of water, there needs to be a process of depollution of water sources that are polluted, preservation of water resources and inspection of the use of same, rigorous sewage treatment, residential, commercial and industrial water recycling implementation, recovery of areas where riparian forests are located degrades.
Another extremely polluting factor is garbage, in this sense recycling and selective collection are essential, in addition to assigning responsibility to companies in the sense of industrial waste and goods that have ended their useful life, such as cell phone batteries, plastic packaging, tires, among many others segments.
Energy sources are also polluting or degrading agents, especially those from fossil fuels such as cars, industries, trucks, among many others, electric energy produces gigantic environmental impacts in its implementation, as is the case in China with the construction of the Três Gorges hydroelectric plant, this enterprise caused and continues to promote major environmental problems, especially landslides and deep changes in the local geology that can produce major disasters. proportions.
China is among the biggest polluters in the world, this is due to the number of inhabitants and the economic growth that the country has shown. Thus, environmental damage is high and must be rethought by local authorities, which is why it is essential to effectively apply sustainable development.
The set of measures that contribute to the improvement of environmental conditions in the world needs the participation of all countries, that is It is essential, however, individual measures can contribute to the improvement of the world in social and environmental aspects, that is, each individual does your part.
All attitudes pointed out are not conclusive and are subject to divergences on the part of different sciences and conceptions.
By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team
General geography - geography - Brazil School