Sectors of the economy. Knowing the sectors of the economy

The set of people who practice some productive activity or economically active population are distributed in the three sectors of the economy, these are: primary sector, secondary sector and sector tertiary.

Plant extractivism makes up the primary sector of the economy.

Primary sector: This branch of productive activity is linked to the development of agriculture, livestock and extractivism (vegetable, animal and mineral). This sector produces raw material to supply industries.

Automobile industry integrates the secondary sector of the economy.

Secondary sector: operates in the industrial system, encompassing the production of machinery and equipment, production of consumer goods, civil construction and energy generation. In this case, the sector in question acts in the processing of the production of the primary sector, in addition to promoting the distribution of products in wholesale form.

Retail stores are part of the tertiary sector of the economy.

• Tertiary sector: it is directly linked to the provision of services (these include teachers, lawyers and liberal professionals in general) and commerce in general. The tertiary sector is directly linked to retail trade.

Currently, the distribution of the economically active population in the sectors of the economy has undergone a significant change with the increase in the tertiary sector.
In central countries, surveys have revealed that there is a profound decrease in the number of people living in rural areas. process tends to lead the population to become practically urban, from there to enter the secondary and tertiary.
The world is going through the third technical-scientific-informational revolution, which consists of an overvaluation of information, in this way, contemporary economic performances are allied to commercial and information relations, and these have grown so intense.
From the evolutions promoted by this technological revolution, services are gradually sophisticated, specialized and efficient, in addition to other activities increased their performance in the market, such as tourism, telecommunications and information technology that increasingly absorb people to work in these segments.
The high percentage of an economically active population inserted in a certain sector of the economy increases the economic development and urbanization rate of a country.
The higher the tertiary level, the more the population receives a variety of services. In nations with fragile economies and emerging countries, there is an exacerbated growth in the tertiary sector.

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Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "Sectors of the Economy"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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