Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline personality disorder occurs more often in women (approximately 75% of cases). It is characterized by emotional instability, impulsiveness, inappropriate expressions of anger, low self-esteem, behavior self-destructive, suicidal tendency, insecurity, hypersensitivity to criticism, inability to accept rules and routine, expectation of getting disproportionate rewards, intolerance to frustration and loneliness, and fear of abandonment - most of the time, unreal. Affected people tend to have intense but confusing and disorganized relationships: a person who, for Borderline, is exceptional, in little time can be, in your view, the worst person in the world – it is enough not to correspond to its idealization or reject it in its conception, not always true. Furthermore, such people can exploit and manipulate others, sometimes unconsciously; and, in some cases, they can also manifest psychotic symptoms.

Despite having some characteristics similar to bipolar affective disorder type two, in the disorder Borderline, mood swings occur more frequently, sometimes even in a matter of minutes or hours. In addition, Borderline's depressive traits are characterized by feelings of emptiness and loneliness; and rarely manifest along with feelings of guilt, self-accusation and/or remorse.

Its causes are not well understood, but it is clear that there is a strong genetic influence, associated with traumatic experiences, whether real or imaginary, during childhood; and environmental stress, usually related to family or work relationships. Some studies also point to a reduction in the volume of the amygdala and hippocampus in patients with this disorder, but it is not yet known whether these characteristics are related to its causes or its consequences.

The manifestations of symptoms usually start in adolescence, and do not regress, unless the treatment is done correctly.

As for him, in most cases the use of medication is necessary, associated with psychotherapy. The latter is essential, but it requires patience, persistence and discipline; and it must be done by good professionals, already used to this type of disorder, since it is not easy to deal with the changes sudden mood swings, demands, accusations and derogatory acts that they can direct to those they relate to - including the therapist.

A good medical follow-up allows the person to have a better quality of life and, in many cases, perform their tasks normally and have good relationships. The psychological follow-up of caregivers is also important, as they can succumb to the emotional instability and demands of the affected person.

By Mariana Araguaia
Graduated in Biology
Brazil School Team

Psychological Diseases -Illnesses -Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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