Melting Pressure and Temperature

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When assembling a device like the one in the figure above, we noticed that the ice, after being completely crossed by a wire, was not broken.
This event occurs due to the increase in pressure that the wire wire imposes on the ice, increasing its melting temperature. After passing the wire through the ice block, the water, coming from the casting, is again under ambient pressure, and solidifies again.
To perform such a feat it is necessary:
• A block of ice
• A strand of fine wire
• Two weights attached to ends of wire.
With all the devices in hand, just place the wire on the ice, as shown in the figure, and wait for it to cross it.
Now it's just a matter of verifying that in fact the ice “was not broken”, or rather, it was broken, however, it froze again.

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By Frederico Borges de Almeida
Graduated in Physics

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

ALMEIDA, Frederico Borges de. "Fusion Pressure and Temperature";

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Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.
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