Tips on how to prevent illness in school-age children

We know that children, upon entering school, start to get sick more often. This happens because it increases the child's exposure to common pathogens in this age group. It is virtually impossible to prevent all diseases dthis period, however, some measures can help reduce the frequency with which they occur.

Tips for preventing illness in school-age children

To prevent some illnesses in school-age children, we can adopt the following practices:

  • Vaccination: THE vaccination up to date is, without a doubt, a great way to prevent disease, since vaccines stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies against a particular pathogen. (Know here the vaccines that all children should have)

  • To offer healthy eating and balanced: Breastfeeding and healthy eating are ways to strengthen immunity and, consequently, reduce the chances of contracting any disease. An unsatisfactory and poorly nutritious diet can lead to immune deficiencies.

  • teach the importance of washing hands: Teaching a child to wash their hands is a great example of a simple hygiene habit that has to do with preventing various diseases. You can also send, in the child's backpack, alcohol gel to clean hands before eating, for example.

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  • Teach the importance of not putting your hands to your mouth and eyes: The hands can be full of pathogens, and contact with the mouth and eyes can help spread disease. That's why you should wash your hands whenever you pick up objects that might be dirty, such as toys that are used by more colleagues.

  • Explain why we should not share personal items such as water bottles: The practice of sharing cups, bottles and other personal items is common among children, however, they can be vehicles for the transmission of diseases.

And if the child gets sick, should I send him to school?

It is important to avoid taking sick children to school as they can contaminate others and not make a satisfactory recovery. Often, as is the case with colds and flu, the child needs rest and lots of hydration, and this is not always achieved in the school environment, thus delaying their recovery. always remember in that sick child shouldn't go to school.
By Ma. Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Tips on how to prevent illness in school-age children"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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