The habit of lying that children show up to the age of six does not need to be an extreme concern for parents and teachers, since they fantasize a lot. A child up to the age of six is egocentric, that is, he cannot internalize the other's opinion.
The rules of interaction established by both parents and teachers are understood by the child from the age of seven. After the age of eleven, the child's moral autonomy is consolidated.
Children's lies need attention only from the age of seven. It is interesting to distinguish between lies about trivial matters and those that comprise serious matters. If an eleven-year-old child maintains the habit of lying introduced since the age of seven, it is a warning sign for parents.
Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)
By Patricia Lopes
Brazil School Team
psychology - Brazil School
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LOPES, Patricia. "Lying During Childhood"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.