Natural Aspects of the State of Amazonas

The State of Amazonas attracts worldwide interest, due to the natural wealth inserted in its territory, which is a Natural Heritage of Humanity, the Amazon.

Based on this potential, it is important to carry out a systematic approach to the main elements of the Amazon ecosystem, such as relief, climate, vegetation and hydrography.


The geological structure present in the Amazon Forest region comes from geological phenomena that occurred over millions of years that consolidated the formation of depressions and plains, which are predominant characteristics in practically all states that are part of the Amazon.

In view of this information, according to the classification of Geographer Jurandir Ross, the State of Amazonas explains the following relief variations:

- Western Amazon Depression.
- North Amazon Marginal Depression.
- South Amazon Marginal Depression.
- North Amazon Residual Plateaus.
- Plains of the Amazon River.
- Plateau of the Eastern Amazon.

This classification was conceived through research carried out by the RAMDAMBRASIL Project.

The Amazon River plain has altitudes ranging from 100 to 200 meters above sea level and in the North-Amazonian Marginal Depression they reach between 200 and 300 meters.
The Eastern Amazon Plateau ranges from the city of Manaus to the Atlantic Ocean located in the State of Pará, where altitudes range between 400 and 500 meters.

In the state, the places with the highest altitudes are located in the North-Amazon Residual Plateaus, in these plateaus the altitudes have an average of 1,200 meters, it is precisely in this portion of relief that prevails the highest points in Brazil, such as Pico da Neblina with 3,014 thousand meters and 31 de Março, with 2,992,000 meters, located on the border with the Venezuela.


In Brazil, the predominant climate is tropical, whereas in the State of Amazonas the equatorial one prevails, coming from the proximity to the equator.
The Equatorial climate is characterized by high temperatures and high rainfall, that is due to the high temperatures that cause a great evaporation and that later turn into rains.
The seasons are distinct and the annual temperature range is high. Rains are periodic and well distributed throughout the year.
The average temperature in the state reaches 31.4ºC, rainfall rates vary between 1,750 mm and 3,652 mm and the relative air humidity annually varies from 80 to 90%.
The dry season takes place in a short period of time, at which time rainfall levels reach 60 mm per month.
Due to the great amount of heat and humidity, the present vegetation cover presents a complex and rich diversity in the composition of the flora of the State of Amazonas.
The Amazon Forest, which is considered the largest on the planet, is located in the state.
After years of research, it was found that the Amazon Forest undergoes variations, therefore, it can be classified according to the characteristics Thus, the main types of vegetative composition are Igapó Forest, Várzea Forest and Terra Forest Firm.
According to the classification of the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) the Amazon Forest is classified as: Dense Ombrophilous Forest (Rain Forest Tropical), Open Ombrophilous Forest (Transition Forest), Savannah, Cerrado, Field, Campinarana, Pioneer formations of fluvial influence (alluvial vegetation) and Area of ​​tension Ecological.


The State of Amazonas has in its territory the river with the largest volume of water in the world, the Amazon.
The Amazon River is 6,570 kilometers long, and has a volume of 100,000 cubic meters. This river is born in the Andes Mountains in Peru, the Amazon forms from the junction of two great rivers, the Solimões and the Rio Negro, after this process the river reaches 10 kilometers in width and its depth can reach about 100 meters.
The Amazon Basin alone represents approximately 20% of all freshwater reserves in the world.
The State of Amazonas is bathed by a multitude of interconnected rivers, forming an integrated hydrographic network, among which the Purus, Juruá, Iça, Vapés, Negro, Madeira and Solimões rivers stand out.
The hydrography of the State is extremely important in waterway transport, economy, fishing activities, among others.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

Amazons - North region

geography of Brazil - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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