Will. Iran geography

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Location: Iran is located in Southwest Asia between the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf.
Territorial extension: The total land area occupied by Iran is 1,648,196km².
Physical aspects

Relief: Iran is considered a mountainous country because approximately 90% of its territory is situated on a plateau and more than half of the country is covered by mountains. The culmination is Damavand Mountain at 5. 671 m.

Climate: In most parts of the country, the arid subtropical and tropical altitude climate prevails in the Zagros region.
Vegetation: It has a forest area of ​​15 thousand km². In desert and semi-desert areas, xerophytic vegetation (adapted to drought) predominates. The flora is only abundant in the Caspian Sea region and in the river valleys.
Hydrography: The few existing watercourses on the plateau were lost in the salt marshes. Iran has only three important rivers: Atrak, Safid and Kurum (navigable).
Socioeconomic Aspects
Population: There are 69,800,000 inhabitants in Iran. Iranians represent 66% of the population, Azeris 20%, Kurds make up 5%, Arabs 4%, Lures 1% and others represent 4%. The official language is Persian, but Turkish, Kurdish and Arabic are also spoken. Religion: The adherents of Islam are 95.6% other religions 4.1% and those without religion make up 0.3%. Urban population represents 61%, while 39% is the rural population.

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Economy: Iran's GDP is US$ 108.2 billion and most of this amount is collected from oil exploration, the country is the second largest producer in the region behind Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, Iran is known for the quality of its rugs and caviar. The Iranian currency is the Iranian rial. 21.1 million people represent the workforce. In Agriculture, wheat and barley stand out; industry: textile, food and transport equipment. Fishing also stands out. In Livestock, sheep and goats are reared.

Social condition: Life expectancy is on average 69.5 years. Infant mortality reaches 28 per thousand live births. Illiterates reach 17.7% of the population. Income per capita is $3,540. Iran's HDI is 0.702.

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FRANCISCO, Wagner de Cerqueira and. "Will"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/geografia/ira2.htm. Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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