Aleksei Maksimovitch Pechkov the Maksim

Russian writer born in Nizhnii Novgorod, future Gorky, in his honor, whose work, for many, constituted the true origin of Soviet socialist realism. From a humble family, he had to leave school at the age of eight and, orphaned at the age of eleven, from the age of 12 onwards he led a wandering life in Russia. inspired the composition of the first stories, published in literary magazines and whose protagonists were vagabonds or individuals from the classes popular.
He exercised the most diverse trades as a factory worker, fruit seller, railroad worker, office boy, etc. He was involved in revolutionary activities and at age 19 he attempted suicide with a firearm. After traveling through Ukraine, Caucasus and Crimea Tiflis, then Tbilisi, he published his first literary work, Makar Chudra (1892), an immediate success. He was already famous in his country when he published the short story Tchelkash (1895), the story of a thief, which brought him definitive fame as a short-story writer.
Publishing in newspapers, he firmly established his reputation with the publication of his first books, the novels Foma Gordeyev (1899), Troe (1900), Pesnia (1901), Deti Solntsa (1905) and Mat (1906) and the plays Meshtshane (1901) and Na Dne (1902), texts with a revolutionary tone and denunciation against social injustice, establishing himself as a famous writer International. He participated in a popular uprising (1905) which earned him a brief prison term, after which he first moved to the United States (1906).

For living illegally with Mlle. Andreieva, not yet divorced from his first wife, Ekaterina Pavlovna, was forced to leave America and settle in Capri, Italy, in the same year.
He returned to Russia (1913) and that same year began what is considered his masterpiece, the autobiographical trilogy formed by Detstvo (1913-1914), Vliudiakh (1915-1916) and Moi universitety (1923), completed while already living in Sorrento, Italy (1921-1928). Still in Italy he published his last complete work, Delo Artamonovykh (1925). He returned to Russia and became the undisputed leader of national literature until he died in his hometown.

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