The section you are faced with at the moment concerns to coordinated prayers and subordinate prayers. Well, without any doubt, this linguistic fact makes you remember something: compound period.
Well, if it is a period, obviously there is two prayers, and it is precisely in their study that all the knowledge that you will acquire from now on lies. In this sense, we would like - albeit superficially - that you pay attention to the two examples that are evident below:
She arrived and presented the new actions to be taken.
In terms of syntactic construction, we do not need to go much further to verify that the two clauses do not maintain any relationship of dependence between them so that they become decipherable, complete. This means that they classify as coordinated prayers.
As soon as she arrived, she presented the new actions to be taken.
In terms of syntactic elements, we cannot say that such clauses are similar to coordinates, given that the first clause (as soon as she arrived) presents a relationship of dependence with the second - which means to state that they are classified as subordinate clauses.
But all these assumptions will become even clearer as soon as you click, so don't miss out on the opportunity that's thoughtfully reserved for you. Good studies!!!
By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Source: Brazil School -