The benefits of whole grains

Adequate nutrition is essential for a healthy and quality life. Everything we eat is reflected in our body, causing harm or benefits in the short and long term. Generally, what happens is that either people do not eat whole grains or the amount ingested is insufficient. This is mainly due to the acceleration of the daily pace of life, when fast foods become the best option for their practicality and convenience.

Whole grains are whole grains, sources of fiber, nutrients, minerals (such as zinc, phosphorus, magnesium), vitamins and energy (through the carbohydrates and proteins present). Its outer layer is used for the production of bran, which contains fiber and vitamins B and E, in addition to proteins. Its middle part is rich in carbohydrates and proteins, while the inner part has very important nutrients for health.

In the nineteenth century, cereals were recommended by doctors to prevent constipation. In the last 100 years people's diet has changed from being rich in cereals to being composed of refined cereals. which do not have the same nutritional value as whole grains, as they do not contain the husk and germ (germ part).

Eating whole grains significantly benefits health, helps fight prison and reduces the incidence of diseases such as diabetes (by regulating insulin levels) and cancer. It contributes to weight control, because those who eat cereals feel more satiated, it controls cholesterol, benefiting the circulatory system; it maintains the health of the heart, bones, nervous and immune systems, and the body in general. All these benefits must be combined with a low-fat diet and a healthy lifestyle, with the practice of physical activity, smoking cessation, stress and anxiety.

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Some examples of whole grains are oats, wheat, rye, barley, rice and corn. For many people, they are not always welcome on the menu, but for the sake of current and future health and well-being it is important to include them in the diet. In research, it has been found that rye helps in memory and bone mineralization, while wheat helps in immunity and oats control cholesterol. Rice contributes to energy use, corn benefits the eyes and barley prevents osteoporosis.

To keep your diet rich in whole grains, check out some tips:

- eat wholegrain bread instead of white bread;
- prefer wholegrain pasta;
- Try the wholegrain products and, if you don't like it, start ingesting small amounts until you get used to it;
- develop recipes by gradually adding whole grains to your menu;
- for breakfast, eat oats, wholegrain breads, cookies and cakes made from wholegrain flour;
- for snacks, eat a cereal bar, granola and wholegrain cookies;
- in meals such as lunch and dinner, brown rice, wheat grains, pasta and pies made from whole grains are a good recommendation.

Thus, the habit of at least three servings a day with whole grains is inserted into daily life, benefiting health.

By Giorgia Lay-Ang
Graduated in Biology
Brazil School Team

Importance of food in health - Health and wellness - Brazil School

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LAY-ANG, Georgia. "The benefits of whole grains"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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