Meaning of Apathy (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Apathy is psychological condition designated by an emotional state of indifference. And the lack of emotion or motivation of an individual before something or some situation, having as some of its characteristics the physical wear, a inertia, a muscle weakness and the lack of energy (lethargy).

The word apathy comes from the Greek apatheia, Where pathos which refers to "that which affects the body and soul". It is the state of an indifferent soul, which is not susceptible to emotion due to lack of sensitivity or feeling.

Apathy can be a symptom of some illnesses, such as depression. People often say that apathy is the manifestation of a nervous breakdown because it is characterized by sluggishness and wastedness.

Apathy can also be characterized by: coldness or drowsiness, and visibly affects areas such as pain, fear, desire and pleasure, making the subject indifferent in relation to these feelings.

Within the scope of philosophy, apathy is the lack of affections or passions, or ataraxia. In the theological context, apathy can be related to the complete detachment from earthly goods. Despite this, the concept of

spiritual apathy refers to a person who is far from God, not having the will and/or strength to seek God's will for their life.

According to the psychology, apathy is a characterological type whose affective reactions are below the average level.

The expression social apathy it is related to an unwillingness to revolt or take action in relation to political corruption and other issues that affect society. For example, not voting is an expression of social apathy.

Causes of apathy

Usually, apathy can be caused by reasons of Lifestyle (when you don't get enough sleep or follow the same routine every day); psychological (in case of depression); and doctors (meningitis, tuberculosis, dehydration, etc.).

apathy and empathy

Apathy and empathy are two opposing emotional states that alter the way human beings interact. Apathy reveals an absence of feelings, inability to have emotions related to other people. On the other hand, empathy makes an individual put himself in another's situation, as if he were able to feel their feelings of joy or sadness.

Apathy treatment

The feeling of apathy can be normal for a person. In some cases, apathy may not require treatment with medication. In the case of the death of a close family member, for example, it is natural for an individual to show sadness and some signs of apathy, which will only disappear over time.

Treatment will depend on why apathy is a symptom that can be attributed to several diseases. Thus, treatment varies according to the disease in question. However, when apathy is persistent, it can be the symptom of an illness (like dysthymia, for example) and requires treatment. When apathy is related to depression, it requires treatment through antidepressant medications and psychotherapy.

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