What is Solitude? See the difference between solitude and solitude

Solitude is a state of isolation and seclusion, is a situation where the person is not in contact with other individuals. This state is usually due to a personal choice.

Unlike loneliness, the solitude is associated with positive feelings, to the joy of being alone. Voluntary isolation can be a way of getting in touch with yourself, of strengthening self-confidence and self-love.

Solitude has to do with the balance between being alone and being in the presence of others. A person in a state of solitude enjoys their moments of isolation, but knows that they have meaningful relationships and that they can count on the company of other people.

Difference between loneliness and solitude

THE solitude it's a state of isolation voluntary and positive, already the loneliness is a condition associated with pain and sadness. Loneliness is a feeling of emptiness, it is the desire to have people's company, but not to have it.

Solitude is when a person chooses to spend a few moments in seclusion because they understand that this will provide them with positive feelings, spiritual growth, self-knowledge and even joy.

Loneliness is a non-voluntary situation, it is when a person feels alone and not belonging. In these cases, being alone means suffering and when this condition persists, it can be the trigger for psychoses and mental disorder.

Loneliness can develop after the loss of a loved one or the end of a very significant relationship. However, it is possible that individuals feel alone even in the presence of friends and family.

know more about sadness and psychosis.

Positive and negative aspects of solitude

O human being is a social being and, therefore, it cannot completely dispense with the company of people. The meaning of life is in the relationships that are established with others, so long periods of isolation can lead to the development of mental illnesses, such as depression and anxiety.

See the meaning of depression and anxiety.

Forced isolation is even a form of punishment and torture practiced throughout history. In prisons it is common for detainees to be punished in cells called "solitary", without the company of anyone. Voluntary isolation, on the other hand, is a very beneficial and even necessary practice for human beings.

Solitude is a condition in which we can meditate, reflect about our lives, decisions and behaviors. It is a favorable time to awaken the spirituality and, for religious people, an opportunity to say prayers and prayers.

Being alone and without the distractions caused by other people is also an interesting occasion for the development of creativity and the fluidity of imagination.

understand more about psychology and psyche.

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