O substantivecollective it's the name ordinary that gives to a set of beings or things of the same species. The collective noun is usually in its singular form, although it designates a set of multiple beings or things.
It is possible to categorize collectives between so-called universals (people, flock, constellation) and particulars (orange, litter, collection). While universals are not countable (they only have a plural under special conditions), particulars can be counted (that is, pluralized normally).
We'll learn some very common collectives below.

Collective nouns of people
Collective |
Set of |
pack, pack, gang, gang |
thieves |
association, club, rally, society |
people gathered for common purpose |
auditorium |
spectators |
bench |
examiners |
band, orchestra |
musicians |
battalion, troop |
soldiers |
caravan |
travelers |
clientele |
customers |
company |
artists |
choir |
singers |
Joins |
creditors |
crowd wheel |
people |
people, nation |
people from the same society |
class |
students, workers, friends |
O auditorium was fascinated listening to orchestra touch.
There was one crowd nervous in that rally.
See too: Treatment pronouns: when to use it?
Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)
Collective nouns of animals
Collective |
Set of |
Wolf Pack |
wolves |
gang |
birds |
pussy, cat, bunch |
cats |
shoal |
fish |
hive, swarm |
bees |
fauna |
animals from the same region |
cattle |
farm-raised animals |
pack |
dogs |
brooding |
chicks |
cloud, plague |
locusts, hornets |
flock |
oxen, cows, sheep |
stick |
pigs |
It creates a real pack inside home.
That one locust cloud destroyed the plantation.
Collective nouns of plants, fruits and foods
Collective |
Set of |
bunch, bunch |
bananas, grapes |
flora |
plants from the same region |
Forest |
trees from the same region |
herbarium |
plants for display or study |
bouquet |
flowers |
streak |
onions, garlic |
She was the one who offered a bouquet of flowersto your husband.
we need to buy one sliver of garlic.
Read too: What are the elements of communication?
Collective object nouns
Collective |
Set of |
anthology, collection |
literary or scientific excerpts or works |
archipelago |
Islands |
library, stack |
books |
constellation |
stars |
beam, row |
firewood, grass |
gallery |
pictures, statues |
furniture |
furniture |
sauce |
keys |
I was avidly reading that collection of Manuel Bandeira.
I'm moving, but the furniture arrives only tomorrow.
By Guilherme Viana
Portuguese teacher
Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:
VIANA, William. "Collective nouns"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/gramatica/substantivos-coletivos.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.