Five tips on the headline in the newsroom

Have you already realized the importance of title for your essay? How many times have you read a text simply because you liked the title or how many times have you been interested in reading a book just because you liked its name? Did you see? Answering these questions, you could certainly pay attention to one of the elements responsible for attracting the reader's interest: the title.

Element responsible for summarizing the subject of a text, the title it is not always required in some tests. At the And either, for example, it is optional. Already in the entrance exam of the fuvest, it is mandatory. This information, whether or not the title is mandatory, will always be given in the proposal, so it is essential that you pay attention. To help you create a title that is interesting and objective, Brasil Escola has prepared five writing tips that will eliminate your doubts about that part of the text that is a headache for most people. Enjoy your reading and good studies!

Five tips about the headline in the newsroom

1. The title must be a summary of the topic:

The title must summarize the topic of the essay without overdelivering its content, otherwise, all the reader's curiosity will go down the drain. In it, the reader should find clues about the subject that will be covered, so avoid far-fetched titles, opt for simplicity. A good headline can also show the broker that you understand the proposal properly.

2. Avoid long sentences:

A good title should be short, so no long sentences! Long periods contradict the idea of ​​objectivity, so the ideal title should contain a maximum of three words and should not exceed one line. Of course this is a recommendation, there are exceptions, but for the most part, the tip works fine.

3. The verb in the title is not mandatory:

The rule is: if despite the absence of the verb, your title manages to synthesize the theme, it's okay to use expressions (phrases without verbs). The title need not necessarily be composed of a complete clause, that is, with subject and predicate. Bet on creativity and decide what is best for your text.

4. Be creative:

If you want to get the reader's attention, have no doubts that creativity must be put into practice. For this you can use figures of speech and intertextuality, that is, establishing a dialogue with books you've read, movies you've watched, songs you've listened to, and so on. In addition, you can also make quotes when composing the title, always remembering to put them in quotes. However, it is noteworthy that being creative has nothing to do with linguistic refinement, beware!

5. Period, capital letters, blank line:

It may sound curious, but these are recurrent doubts when writing the text. Over the end, you should put it when your title contains a verb. If it's not a prayer, you shouldn't score it, just like that. about the employment of capital letters, forget it, you are not writing in Latin, so write normally, capitalize only in cases where it is mandatory. Finally, the infamousblank line. Skip a line or not skip a line after the title? The answer is: it depends. It's a matter of aesthetics and text organization, as skipping a line can make it more presentable. If the line limit is small, avoid this feature.

By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School -

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