THE fever is a situation feared by many people, however, this condition is not a disease, and yes of a symptomthat our organism is not well. Fever is usually associated with frames infectious and inflammatory, and there are researchers who even believe that fever has a beneficial effect on the body, in combating disease-causing agents.
However, although there is a possible benefit immune, fever usually causes discomfort in the patient. Among the changes it causes, there are lack of appetite, irritability, feeling hot and unwell.
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→ medicine for fever
To control fever, doctors usually recommend the use of antipyretics, such as dipyrone, ibuprofen and acetaminophen. These are generally used to reduce the temperature and consequently, the unpleasant manifestations that fever can generate.
It is noteworthy that these medicinesdo not fight the causative agent of the disease, therefore, it is essential to treat what is causing the fever, so that this symptom does not return.
A person with a fever may feel unwell and have a poor appetite.
The use of medication for fever is a very controversial, and there is much debate as to when this symptom should be treated. It is important to emphasize that the use of antipyretics should not be done in a uncontrolled.
In the authorized adaptation of the article “Use of antipyretics: when and how”, by Danilo Blank, it is highlighted, for example, that the antipyretic drugs should not be used to reduce temperature in children who are feeling well. and that the use of these medications should be reserved for those who are experiencing discomfort.
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In the article “Fever: myths that determine behavior”, by Lenita Wannmacher and Maria Beatriz Cardoso Ferreira, the authors also report that current evidence suggest that fever is a body defense manifestation and should not readily attack when there is no impairment of the patient's general condition. They also warn that the use of antipyretic drugs does not prevent the convulsions, a condition so feared by many parents, as these can happen even with low temperatures.
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→ Does bath lower fever?
Many people wonder if homemade measures can be used to control fever. The answer is yes, but many authors discuss the effectiveness of these methods, which usually present short term effect.
Among the physical methods for cooling the body, we can mention: clothing removal, warm water bath, warm sponges and body aeration.
Some physical methods can help reduce body temperature.
Bathing is among the most used methods and can help reduce body temperature, for example, while medications have no effect on the body. Usually the baths are responsible for reduce the temperature between 0.2 °C and 0.4 °C. This is a physical measure of cooling the body that primarily helps to alleviate the malaise caused by fever.
It is worth noting, however, that the bath should always be warm and never cold. The use of cold water leads to peripheral vascular constriction, and this leads to an increase in heat conservation of the body. In addition, the person may even start to shiver from the cold as a result of this process, causing even more discomfort.
Heads up: The use of alcohol to lower fever is completely contraindicated and can cause intoxication. |
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By Ma. Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Does bath help lower fever?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.