Meaning of Social Issue (What it is, Concept and Definition)

social issue is the set of expressions that define the inequalities of society.

The social question arose in the 19th century, in Europe, with the objective of demanding the formulation of social policies for the benefit of the working class, who were in growing poverty.

The process of urbanization and industrialization gave rise to the impoverishment of the working class, and ended up making them aware of the conditions in which worked, where the social issue ended up reaching problematic contours, especially for bourgeois society, which resorted to the implementation of social politics

The current social issue refers to the expansion of work in capitalist society starting with the degradation of work, loss and disappearance of many categories and jobs, and this occurs when the state withdraws from the social field with cuts, privatizations and so on.

The social issue is closely linked to the social inequality, and these issues ended up propitiating the creation of the Third Sector in society, in order to make programs and projects to assist those in need and also assist with requests for changes in the politics.

Learn more about the meaning of Social inequality.

A professional who deals directly with social issues is the Social Worker, who works in this tension between the production of inequality and the production of rebellion and resistance.

Social Issue and Social Work

The social issue is often seen as an object of social service. The concept of social issue is related to the capitalist system of production, that is, the way in which wealth in a society is produced and shared.

Thus, capitalism gives rise to many social inequalities, a vital area of ​​intervention by Social Work.

Find out more about the meaning of Capitalism.

However, taking into account the breadth of the concept of social issue, there is a debate as to whether the social issue can be the object of a single profession, in this case a social worker.

Therefore, to see the social issue as an object of social service, one must do one of two things: either reject the conceptual breadth of the social issue, or the Social Service returns to having a central function of acting on the variations and changes of the society.

Several professions can be directly linked to the social issue, such as doctors, engineers, lawyers. For this reason, defining a social service object is difficult.

If Social Work is seen as a legitimate profession in society, it will represent a very high social function.

Social Issue in Brazil

Social inequality in Brazil causes various problems such as unemployment, kidnappings, violence, problems that cause imbalances in the political climate and Brazilian social.

Many people see the social issue as the exclusive responsibility of the government. However, the problems that arise in society are often the result of material and intellectual needs, that is, poverty. Since poverty is seen as an individual cause, it should therefore be the responsibility of each one.

The big challenge is that some problems such as social inequalities and injustices are often tolerated and ignored because they do not represent a direct threat to political power.

On the other hand, homicides and kidnappings, as they represent threats to power, receive an intervention by the government. It is for this reason that the social issue represents an area that needs to evolve a lot in Brazil.

"Social Issue and Loss of Family Power"

"Social Question and Loss of Family Power" is a book by Eunice Teresinha Fávero, released by the publisher Veras, in 2007.

According to this work, the family loses its power due to fragile conditions of health, housing, education and work, conditions generated by the system of capitalism.

These conditions have a great impact on family life, often leading to separation, exclusion, violation of rights, that is, a loss of family power. This largely happens, there is an absence of policies to support needy families who find themselves in poverty.

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