Equatorial Forest. Characteristics of the Equatorial Forest

THE Equatorial Forest is a type of forest formation located in equatorial regions, in the intertropical zone, that is, close to the equator. The forest has temperatures above 25°C, high rates of rainfall and high rates of relative air humidity. It is characterized by low thermal amplitude and convection rains, with high temperatures in equatorial climate regions cause an intense process of evapotranspiration, rising moist air, cooling at higher altitudes, condensation and precipitation.
The equatorial forest is very humid, dense and with great diversity of animal and plant species (it has the greatest biodiversity in the world). Its trees are large (can reach more than 60 meters), with wide and large leaves, in addition to a lot of close to each other, the formations of intermediate size are also considerable, especially within the Forest.
The fauna is composed of crawling animals, amphibians, hummingbirds, macaws, parrots, parakeets, countless types of monkeys, squirrels, toucans, agouti, pacas, tapirs, jaguar, various types of insects, among many others.

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Normally, the soils of equatorial forests are poor in nutrients, a fact that occurs because their composition is of a narrow composite layer. by a huge amount of organic matter called humus, which are formed from the decomposition of leaves and animals, favored by the high moisture.
Examples of equatorial forests are the Amazon Forest, located in South America; that of Congo, on the African continent; and Indonesia and Malaysia, in Southeast Asia.
The Amazon Forest is present in the following countries: Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, French Guiana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela. This forest is considered to have the greatest biodiversity on the planet, in addition to having the largest river in the world, the Amazon River. In Brazil, this training occupies approximately 40% of its territory.

By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

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FRANCISCO, Wagner de Cerqueira and. "Equatorial Forest"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/brasil/floresta-equatorial.htm. Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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