Meaning of Eclecticism (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Eclecticism is doctrine or trend what collect and select elements of other theories that seem appropriate. The essence of eclecticism is the freedom to choose and reconcile many different styles.

The term eclectic it is applied, above all, to representatives of Hellenistic philosophy, to Neoplatonists and Renaissance philosophers who sought to reconcile the thought of various classical authors. It opposes all forms of dogmatism and radicalism. The purpose of eclecticism is to reach the truth and harmonize theories that are opposed. The philosophy of Victor Cousin (one of the most important names in the eclectic school) is known as eclectic spiritualism.

Eclecticism is an aesthetic current that emerged in the Dutch school in the mid-17th century as a reaction against Florentine and Roman mannerism. Seeks to reconcile stylistic trends of all times.

This current consists of a philosophical attitude of those who do not follow any system, intending to form a whole, seeking to consistency of the elements chosen in different systems, choosing from each one the part that seems closest to the truth.

O musical eclecticism it is characteristic of a person who likes many different musical styles.

In the context of the arts, eclecticism is an artistic trend (more common in the West from the mid-19th century) that uses styles from the past in a conciliatory way.

Eclecticism in Brazilian architecture

Eclectic architecture was a preponderant architectural movement until the beginning of the 20th century and consisted of a mixture of several different styles (classic, medieval, renaissance, neoclassical, and baroque), which resulted in the creation of a new trend architectural.

In Brazil, this movement was born in the 19th century, within the scope of academicism and was disseminated by the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts and by the National School of Fine Arts. Some examples of eclectic architecture are the municipal theater in Rio de Janeiro, the municipal theater in São Paulo and the Ely building in Porto Alegre.

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