7 questions still unanswered by Physics

Sometimes it may seem that the Physics have the answer of all our doubts regarding the nature and the reality, however, not quite. Whenever you get a new clue about how the world works, new doubts arise, and that's how physics works: creating new questions.

Discover, in this article, some of the main questions that Physics proposed and that it has not yet been able to answer:

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1. What is dark matter?

O movement and the conformation of galaxies as we know them today would be impossible if we only considered the knowledge we currently have about the gravitation. According to this knowledge, already advanced, thanks to the theories of relativity of Albert Einstein, the amount of matter observable present in galaxies is insufficient to explain, among other things, your Format.

Thus, it is expected that there is an exotic type of matter, called dark matter. It is estimated that 85% of matter throughout the Universe are formed by dark matter, a different type of matter, which permeates all of space and which does not interact with ordinary matter by any means other than by

gravitational effects. In fact, cosmology has not yet been able to explain what this type of matter is, what its properties are, or even detect it.

2. Asymmetry between matter and antimatter

For each type of particle known there is a antiparticle, that is, they are identical particles, only with the inverted electric charge. For example, for the electron ordinary, negatively charged, there is an antiparticle, called positron, endowed with a positive electric charge. The biggest question in Physics about the antimatter is: if matter and antimatter have equal properties, why are the amounts of matter and antimatter not equal in the Universe? THE asymmetrybaryonic it is one of the prevailing problems in cosmology.

It is possible to produce antimatter in particle accelerators.
It is possible to produce antimatter in particle accelerators.

3. Is time linear?

According to the knowledge of classical physics, the time is linear, i.e, cannot be accelerated, retarded, much less reversed. Also, according to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, all physical phenomena happen spontaneously in a one way, which is defined according to changing a thermodynamic physical quantity known as entropy. That's why we can differentiate a normal video from a video that was recorded backwards, for example.

Some recent theories about the nature of time, such as General Relativity Theory, elaborated by Einstein, allow the existence of structures called Einstein-Rosen bridges, commonly known as holesinworm. According to speculation, the wormholes would allow time travel occur, taking us to the past or the future, just as we change our position as we move from one point to another.

4. What was there before the Big Bang?

Although this is not a recurrent question among physics academics, many lay people wonder about the origin of the supposed atom primordial which gave rise to the Universe. Physics is concerned with describing the mechanisms that led to the origin and development of stars and galaxies.

That's why the theory of big Bang emerged: an attempt to explain the accelerated expansion of the Universe, as well as the different speeds in distance from the galaxies. Apparently, the Big Bang theory is able to explain these phenomena and also the existence of cosmic background radiation. However, for this to be possible, some assumptions were made, such as the likely existence of singularity before the start of time courseininflation of the Universe.

According to the Big Bang, the Universe expanded enormously in its first moments.
According to the Big Bang, the Universe expanded enormously in its first moments.

There are some theories that claim that energy of the Universe has always existed, that it never had a beginning and will never have an end, however, some others claim that the Universe spontaneously emerged and will disappear, eventually in the same way. Anyway, all these are just theories, without any experimental proof that reinforces them.

5. Is the Universe finite?

Physicists incessantly seek to answer this question, for that, they make use of telescopes extraordinarily accurate, able to see with resolution infinitely superior to that of the human eye.

You astronomers have combed the night sky over the past few years looking for repeat patterns around us. If the Universe were finite, we could see when some star or constellation repeated. The answer to that is a little scary: traversing telescopes at distances of up to 13.8 billion of light-years (the distance light travels during a year in a vacuum), no repetition was observed.

The minimum accepted size for the Universe is 13.8 billion light years. However, that doesn't mean it's that big. In fact, this number is assigned not to the radius of the Universe, but to the ray of the observable Universe: what we can observe, based on the resolution of our most advanced telescopes.

See too: What is a light year?

6. Why are there more even than odd elements in the Universe?

O Oddo-Harkins effect establishes that the cosmic abundance of the elements of atomic numberpair, present in Periodic table, is larger than that of its adjacent and odd elements. For example, there is more carbonin the Universe (atomic number 6) than boron(atomic number 5) and nitrogen (atomic number 7).

There are some theories about this behavior, one of them concerns the nucleosynthesis, which takes place inside the stars: the process of Nuclear fusion occurs with atoms of helium (atomic number 2), therefore, the addition of helium atoms would only lead to the formation of even atomic number elements. Therefore, the loss or gain of one or more protons transmute you even elements into odd elements.

Read too:looking at the sky is seeing the past

7. quantum gravity

Until then, Physics has not been able to unite the gravitational force to the standard model of particle physics, that is, it has not yet been possible unify The explanation of the others nature forces to the notion of gravity.

Some models suggest the existence of a boson that was named graviton. According to the quantum theory of gravity, the gravitational interaction is mediated by this particle that has no mass or charge. Furthermore, according to the 2004 scientific article, called “Can gravitons be detected?”, written by physicists Tony Rothman and Stephen Boughn and published in the scientific journal Foundations of Physics, due to its tiny “size”, it would be practically impossible to directly observe the existence of a graviton.
By Me. Rafael Helerbrock

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/fisica/7-perguntas-ainda-nao-respondidas-pela-fisica.htm

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