Winter Feeding Tips

At the cold our body spends more energy to stay warm, needing so higher amount of calories. During the winter, there is usually an increase in the desire to eat fatty and caloric foods. However, it is not necessary to change the food because the cold has arrived. And it is important to be careful that this does not become a problem, causing excessive weight gain or increased cholesterol levels, for example.

In winter or summer, it is essential to maintain ahealthy eating and balanced. Here are some tips that can help you have a healthy diet and, at the same time, quench the craving for those delicious treats that resemble the cold.


are a good option in cold days and they can be too much healthy. The consumption of soups with vegetables, vegetables and lean meat represents a low-calorie and healthy diet. However, when elements such as cheese and cream are chosen, there is a diet rich in calories, but poor in nutrients. It is worth noting that a healthy soup, when accompanied by cheese and bread, can become very caloric.

Soups can be a healthy alternative to the cold
Soups can be a healthy alternative to the cold

Hot chocolate

One of the darlings of the cold, this drink can be extremely caloric, and moderate consumption is advised. To make hot chocolate healthier, the recommendation is use chocolatewith a concentration above 70% cocoa and prefer skim milkIt is noteworthy that hot chocolate can be replaced by teas, for example, which also ensure a warming up of the body and can be extremely tasty.

Read too: Chocolate Benefits


Widely consumed on cold days, the most common are cheese and the one of chocolate. Like the other foods mentioned, fondues can be very caloric. We should have pay attention to the product that will be used to make the fondue and the side dishes. In the case of chocolate fondue, it is important to use one with a higher cocoa content and avoid sweets as a garnish, preferring fruit. As for cheese, we recommend using vegetables as a side dish and opting for low-fat cheeses.

Fondue can be very caloric, especially if combined with bread
Fondue can be very caloric, especially if combined with bread

Vegetables, vegetables and fruits

Many people stop feeding of these items during cold days. However, this not an advisable habit. A tip from Federal Council of Nutritionists is to consume vegetables, fruits and vegetables even on cold days, as they are rich in vitamins, minerals and Water, ensuring healthy eating. Furthermore, these foods promote satiety, thus decreasing overeating. The Council further indicates that they can be consumed in nature, in soups, in stews, roasts or stir-fries.


We usually relate our water consumption to the temperature of the day, thus reducing consumption during cold weather. However, the hydration is extremely important. on cold days, as a good hydration is necessary to prevent dryness of mucous membranes and increase in respiratory diseases, for example.
By Ma. Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos

Source: Brazil School -

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