Meaning of Marxism (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Marxism is an ideological system that radically criticizes capitalism and proclaims the emancipation of humanity in a classless and egalitarian society.

The basic lines of Marxism were drawn between 1840 and 1850 by the German social philosopher Karl Marx and the German revolutionary Friedrich Engels, the system being later completed and modified by them and their disciples, among them Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin.

In the year 1848, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published the Communist Manifesto, where they made an analysis of the reality in which they lived reached some conclusions about work, property, productive relations and especially the violent exploitation of the proletariat. In this context, Max and Engels propose the struggle for the end of capitalism with the immediate addition of socialism, where the working masses possessing the means of production would assume political and economic.

Marxism has become one of the most influential intellectual and political movements in contemporary society. While still alive, Marx participated in the creation of the International Workers' Association (1864), known as the First International, bringing together workers from various European countries and the USA.

Marxism or Marxist Socialism, although it promoted congresses and workers' cooperation, had a short duration, dissolving in 1876, due to the repression suffered and internal divergences. Despite this, new workers' organizations and political parties stood out, among them the Social Democratic Party, founded in Germany by Wilhelm Liebknecht and August Bebel.

It was in Russia that Marxist Socialism had the greatest repercussion, it served as an inspiration for the Social Democratic Workers Party Russian and founded the creation of the first Socialist State in 1917, dividing the world into Capitalist on the one hand and Socialist on the one hand. other.


Liberalism constituted the predominant ideology in western society in the nineteenth century, which advocated the liberation of man from all forms of coercion and oppression considered unjust, the elevation and use of the value of the human person for one's own benefits and society.

Liberalism developed as an expression of the ideals of the bourgeoisie, which justified, through it and through Democracy, its socioeconomic situation and its political aspirations. There was the apogee of liberal society, which saw every possibility of increasing its profits and the proletariat felt strengthened to fight for a more humane, fairer life.

See also

  • Socialism
  • Anarchism
  • Communism
  • Liberalism
  • Characteristics of Communism

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