What is an adverbial phrase?

come more closely to see. (The expression "close" is an adverbial phrase of place consisting of a preposition + adverb of place.)

I will go to the gym in the afternoon. (The highlighted expression is an adverbial phrase of time constructed by preposition + article + substantive.)


In silence, in the clear, colored, at ease, idly, hastily, softly, etc.

Example: stay long make yourself comfortable on here.


Soon, in the afternoon, in the evening, the day after tomorrow, suddenly, today, at dawn, in the morning, once in a while etc.

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

Example:Nowadays people only think about themselves.


No way, no way, etc.

Example: In no way I wanted to offend you.


Again, little, everything, etc.

Example: She is pregnant little (time) yet.


Who knows.

Example:Who knows one day I don't hit the lottery...


Certainly, no doubt, certainly, etc.

Example:For right that are without cell signal.


Outside, inside, above, to the side, to the right, to the left, below, above, around etc.

Example: Clean it outside andinside only with mild soap.

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